Can qualified lead generation help land big clients?

3 minute read

Man wins new client with qualified lead generation services

Yes, qualified lead generation can help.

We all know how it feels when you have your sites locked on a potential business-defining client. It’s an exciting feeling when there’s hope for a potential win.

You see a very legitimate opportunity to land that client or sales win. Perhaps you have an “inside contact” at the company, or maybe you simply see your offering as uniquely positioned to meet their needs. Whatever it is, this is a one-time-only opportunity and you need to take it by the reigns and steer it home.

As you know sales wins are not what they used to be, this will not be an overnight process—although it could happen a lot faster than you think.

Here are a few things that you can do to demonstrate to your next client that you’re ready to take them on.

Get your team ready

Does anyone on your sales or customer service team have enterprise-level experience? They may not and it’s nothing to worry about.

There is no need to rush out and try to find an enterprise-proven sales leader or account executive. Bringing in an outside company that consults on sales lead generation matters can help you get the most from the resources you already have in place.

For example, a company that specializes in new market expansion can help give your team all of the skills and resources they will need, while also helping you deliver qualified lead generation opportunities to help your company expand and sustain that expansion.

Growing your portfolio

Start growing your portfolio by adding case studies and testimonials from related industries.

The time will soon come for you to prove to the big client that you understand and can succeed in their industry space. Start building that proof right now.

Give yourself adequate time to prepare the materials. Things like case studies and testimonials can really drag on, as you’re trying to get things organized and approved from the client-side.

Keep all your attention on them

When working on your sales pitch deck or proposal, of course, you will want to talk about your company and your capabilities. But stay focused on the client, their industry, their target market, their offerings and what makes them unique. Then make your pitch relevant to them. Customize it. Make them feel like you took the time and that you are suggesting something special to the business.

For example, when you’re talking about your strengths, focus on how those strengths can help their needs and be as specific as possible.

This shows that you’ve done your homework and that you can legitimately help solve their current pain points. They’ll appreciate that you’re not wasting their time and just trying to land a big fish.

Think about your full digital presence

Of course, your would-be client will look you up online via your website, social media channels, industry publications, reviews and more. That means you need to make sure your entire Internet presence is active.

However, doing their homework means they will be looking at everything that comes up when they Google you. That said, you want them to see:

  • Active social accounts
  • Raving customer reviews
  • Thought leadership articles in industry publications and news outlets
  • Quotes from your leaders in news stories and guest blogs
  • Corporate press releases and other announcements about new products or service offerings and events you’ve attended

Start cultivating your Internet presence right now, because it will not show up overnight. It takes weeks, months and even a full year. When the time comes for your would-be client to Google your business, you want the first page to be full of nothing but wonderful things.

It all comes down to taking the time to do it. Or, hiring a company to help you do it. The more time and help you have, the better. You’ll feel confident knowing that you can serve this client right now. But it can take time and effort for you to accumulate the assets that will prove it.

It’s not about how ready you are. It’s about how ready they think you are, and 360 Leads can help you with your qualified lead generation needs.